Hey! I am

Aaquib Ahmad

I am a


aaquib ahmed

About Me

Hi 👋 Everyone, I am a passionate front-end engineer with over 5 years of experience crafting dynamic and user-centric web applications. I leverage my strong foundation in various programming languages and frameworks to deliver high-impact solutions for e-commerce and SaaS businesses.

  • Name:Aaquib Ahmad
  • Email:aaquib.ahmedus@gmail.com






Software Engineer

Impact Analytics
  • Led the development of a Design System UI, creating 20+ complex, reusable components to ensure consistent UI across 5+ product teams. This improved UX consistency and component scalability, significantly enhancing development efficiency and collaboration.
  • Utilized Storybook for comprehensive component documentation and integrated CodeSandbox to provide interactive examples, enabling teams to explore component props usage and functionality firsthand.
  • Built a plug-and-play demo app using a JSON-based approach, enabling rapid product demos with a single codebase for 22+ products, streamlining client acquisition.

Software Developer Engineer 1

  • Developed the internal B2B app, to track product development, current status, and to provide a centralized view of the company's products.
  • Built and created Magento based ecommerce website for different products, where you can view product, add to cart and pay using popular payment portal.

Software Developer Engineer

  • Developed the B2C app, helping in building a million user salon booking app
  • Built and created new features for the dashboard likeappointment booking, analytics graph, setting up admin roles, etc, thus single-handedly completing the app to 80%.
  • Improvised the performance of the app by removing minor bugs and composing web responsive components thus improving the User Experience and increasing efficiency by more than 40%.

Front End Developer

  • Created a Hotel Booking app and implemented all the given features end-to-end and shipped it to the production.
  • Formulated and designed various attractive landing pages for SaaS companies using modern UI standards.


hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots

Hotel In

The Hotel In app is a hotel booking web app, where users can browse different hotels by city, filter them according to price or rating, view single hotels, and book them.

Tech Stack
  • Frontned: Reactjs
  • Styling: Styled Components, Ant Design and CSS
  • Payment Gateway: Razorpay
  • Authentication and Authorisation: JWT and ByCryptJS
  • Backend: Node and Express js
  • Database: MongoDB
Overall Functionlity
  • Main Landing Listing Page with search form, Descriptions, Cities and Few hotels
  • Viewing Hotels by search or selecting cities
  • Filtering Hotels by Price or rating parameter
  • Viewing single hotel with full description and booking hotel
  • Getting Reservation details fot booking hotel
  • User can only booked hotel or see their history if ony they are logged in !!
  • Booking Hotel through Razorpay test mode payment simulation
  • Going to my booking page to see history of your booking, all upcoming, cancelled or completed trips.

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House Garden

The House Garden app is a ecommerce app for plants, where users can browse different types of plants and things related to nursery, filter them according to price or rating or types, view products, add to wishlist or to cart, and finally enter address and pay the amount, you can also check order history too.

Tech Stack
  • Frontned: Reactjs
  • Styling: Styled Components, Ant Design and CSS
  • Payment Gateway: Razorpay
  • Authentication and Authorisation: JWT and ByCryptJS
  • Backend: Node and Express js
  • Database: MongoDB
Overall Functionlity
  • Main Page with all the product listed, with different types of filter like categories, price limit and rating
  • A SearchBar with auto suggestion and sorting feature, also user if logged in can add product to wish list.
  • Single page for product with their details, user can select quantity and add to cart
  • A wishlist page where user can see its favourite products,
  • Cart page with all products displayed, where user can remove product he didnt wish to order and a price summary section, user can add the address and then pay using razorpay payment gateway
  • After ordering, user can check its history and can cancel the current orders.

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house garden project screenshots
house garden project screenshots
house garden project screenshots
house garden project screenshots
house garden project screenshots
house garden project screenshots
house garden project screenshots
journalbit project screenshots
journalbit project screenshots
journalbit project screenshots
journalbit project screenshots


The JournalBit app is a social media web app, where user can post and share the links of their fav articles to their audience, user like, comment, follow and follow other users and posts.

Tech Stack
  • Frontned: Reactjs
  • Styling: Styled Components, Ant Design and CSS
  • Authentication and Authorisation: JWT and ByCryptJS
  • Backend: Node and Express js
  • Database: MongoDB
Overall Functionlity
  • User can share link and attach topic, and then it is shared as a metdata.
  • Others users can like and unlike, comment to the posts.
  • Users can follow and unfollow other people.
  • User can see other peoples and folowers lists.
  • User can filter posts by specific topics.
  • Users can update and edit their profile.
  • Users can delete their own posts.
  • User can delete his own profile.
  • Fully Mobile optimized

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Code Store

The Code Store app is a productive web app, where users can save their useful or fav code snippet, browse them, edit them or delete them, it comes with extra feature like night mode, language filter and search bar.

Tech Stack
  • Frontned: Reactjs
  • Styling: React-Bootstrap, Styled-components, Ant Design and CSS
  • Authentication and Authorisation: JWT and ByCryptJS
  • Backend: Node and Express js
  • Database: MongoDB
Overall Functionlity
  • User can Add new code snippet with title, little description, language and code.
  • Display page with syntax higlighter for better view.
  • Edit page if user wants to update the previous snippet
  • Delete snippet
  • Night mode
  • Search bar with autosuggest functionality
  • You can filter by language the snippets
  • If you find any desired language is not present in predefined language list, you can add it
  • Fully Mobile optimized

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hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots
hotelin project screenshots


DevPost is a JAMSTACK blogging website made on Nextjs and Strapi CMS, where user can see number of posts, open individual post, share it and It also comes with dark mode too.

Tech Stack
  • Frontned:Nextjs
  • Styling:Styled Components
  • CMS:Strapi
  • image DB:Cloudinary
  • Backend:Node and Express js
  • Database:Postgre SQL
Overall Functionlity
  • Main Landing page with list of articles published
  • Switch for night and light mode
  • Filtering articles by categories
  • Viewing Individual Article
  • Share buttons to share article on social media platform
  • Fully Mobile Optimized
  • Strapi CMS to publish blog

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